Are you a were wolf, angel, or human

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What are you gonna be? The world may never know. Unless you take this test and comment. You could be a were wolf human angel who knows the possibilities!

The more you do the more you know! In this you will know if your a angel werewolf human there are possibilities that we can do just by you knowing your rank or one of this things!

Created by: Ash
  1. Where would you live
  2. Are you brave
  3. If you had a pet, what would it be?
  4. Age
  5. What place to you like in your house
  6. Do you like this?
  7. If I handed you a chocolate long john, what you do?
  8. Do you have a nocturnal animal?
  9. Have one of your pets died
  10. To you still enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a were wolf, angel, or human
