Are you a water saver or waster

This quiz will tell you all about if you are a water saver or if you are a waster. You have to be honest otherwise you won't know if you need to save water.

Rules: Be honest. Answer correctly. Don't go on google just to see the right answer for saver. Enjoy the quiz. Make sure you get the jokes. Have a good time.

Created by: Hannah
  1. How long do you have a shower for?
  2. How many times a week do you have a bath
  3. How many times a day do you have a glass of water
  4. Do you leave the tap on when you brush your teeth?
  5. Do you know what the 2 buttons are for on a toilet?
  6. Do you swim in the sea?
  7. Do you ever have leaks?
  8. If you pee, do you flush the chain?
  9. How much electricity do you use a day?
  10. Do you turn off the tap when you wash your hands?

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Quiz topic: Am I a water saver or waster
