are you a vampire,werewolf or witch

Are you gonna rate my quiz comment please do I've work hard on it and its cool well I think ok it's weird like me and I'm use to it you might not think so but I do

Because it's fun weird and not boring at all ok I'm getting sweet this is not like me hehe sorry ^^ yawns I'm tried and I don't know what else to say

Created by: yuki
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your blood rate?
  2. Do you know anyone that is vampire or is a friend?
  3. What is your food rate?
  4. Do you chase cars or a friend or random guy?
  5. Ok I'm not gonna add the witch question srry but I'm random questions
  6. Random!
  7. Are vampires awe?
  8. Do like twilight? Vampire diaries?
  9. If saw a friend or random dude would suck their blood? Eat them? Or put a spell on them?
  10. Ok this is the last question and its gonna random

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Quiz topic: Am I a vampire,werewolf or witch