Are you a Vampire? Long Version

Are you one of the creatures that lurk in pure darkness? Are you one of the blood Sucking nightmare? It's time to find out! This quiz will give you so many surprises!

This over 20 question quiz will find your true fait. Are you a human? Or are you a blood sucking vampire? In around 5 minutes. You will find out! Have fun and good luck!

Created by: Lucy359
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. 1-So you want to find out if ur a vampire?
  2. Do you like vampires?
  3. What do you think being bitten would feel like?
  4. 2-Are you sensitive to sunlight?
  5. Do you have a dark ring around your iris?
  6. Are you afraid of blood?
  7. Do you get scared easily?
  8. 3- When you look around the room, people think you staring at them.. Do you get that?
  9. When people see you teeth... And they say their sharp.. Do you get that?
  10. Do you say things by accidentally that you weren't gonna say?
  11. 4- do you crave Blood?
  12. Do you hate garlic?
  13. Do you hate or love Christianity?
  14. 5- do you actually drink blood in real life?
  15. What do you like about Vampires?
  16. Have you ever dreamed of having fangs?
  17. 6- what did you like about this quiz?
  18. Are you going to rate it? (Tell the truth!)
  19. What rating are you gonna give this quiz?
  20. Looking forward to your results?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Vampire? Long Version