are you a vampire?

there are not many vampires in the whole world. but there are alot of............!!!!!!!!!!!!

are you a vampire????? do you want to marry blood or do you want to vomit when you see blood???? do you have a craving for blood or do you have an illness for blood?

Created by: gabbie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you super confident about yourself?
  2. do you look dressed to kill in a party?
  3. do you make your entry with a entourage behind you?
  4. do u have perrfect manners and etiquette?
  5. do you have long nails?
  6. do you have a cunning mind which few know about?
  7. do you have a signature scent which people remember you for?
  8. do you dress in a classy way everytime?
  9. are you beautiful and intelligent?tell the truth
  10. do you have exotic hobbies?

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Quiz topic: Am I a vampire?