Are You a Twilight Expert?

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Twilight is one of my ultimate favorite series! I know that a lot of other people love it too, so I made my own little quiz! It shouldn't take long to find out if you are an expert or not.

Twilight is one of my favorite series! I know that a lot of other people love it too, so I made my own little quiz! It shouldn't take long to find out if you are an expert or not.

Created by: Piper

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How Old is Bella when She First Goes to Forkes?
  2. When Edward First Sees Bella, Does He
  3. Who is the Leader of the Werewolf Pack?
  4. What Color is Jacob's Fur when He ShapeShifts?
  5. Who was the First Cullen Vampire?
  6. What did Carlisle Crave Most when He First became a Vampire?
  7. Did Jacob Imprint on Bella?
  8. What do Werewolves NOT do while They Still Shapeshift?
  9. What is Edward's Special Ability?
  10. When did Jacob Show Up at Bella's Wedding?
  11. How Old is Carlisle?
  12. What did Jacob do when He became a Werewolf?
  13. What Color was Victoria's Hair?
  14. What was the Black Vampire's Name?
  15. Which Vampire Bit Bella in "Twilight"?
  16. How Old is Jacob in "New Moon"?
  17. What did Jacob Help Bella Fix Up in "New Moon"?
  18. What is the Name of the Group of Vampires in Italy?
  19. Who did Rosalie Save from a Bear Attack?
  20. Where did Bella and Edward Go for Their Honeymoon?
  21. And Last- Why did Edward Bite Bella?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Twilight Expert?