Are You A Twilight Whiz?

You think you know your Twilight? Think again and take this quiz testing your smarts on the beloved series written by Stephanie Meyer. Enjoy the quiz. Warning: The quiz you are about to take is extremely difficult and it requires brainiacs to get the right answers!

Do you know Twilight? You sure? I don't think you do. Take this two minute (or three minute) quiz to test your smarts about the awesome Twilight Saga. I wish you luck.

Created by: Lexie Rubin

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is Bella's last name? (This one is tricky!)
  2. In the movie and the book, there are three evil vampires. What are their names? (Look closely!)
  3. We are at the Baseball Scene. Whom does Bella tag out?
  4. What picture is on the cover of the book?
  5. Please name the four books? In order?
  6. In the movie, what does Charlie (Bella's dad) give Bella for her 18th birthday?
  7. What color is Bella's truck?
  8. Which character is in a wheelchair?
  9. Complete the line from Edward: "And so the lion fell in love with the..."
  10. Who wrote Twilight?
  11. What does Jacob give Bella for her birthday?
  12. Who plays Edward Cullen?
  13. Last question: Who directed this film?

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Quiz topic: Am I A Twilight Whiz?