Are you a twilight hater or lover?

Twilight is a hot topic to discuss.Some are true fans.Some just want it to go away.I made this quiz to see what other people think.Also to prove a point.this quiz will be the best quiz and get ready to have the most fun you ever had.

When you take this quiz you may feel a great happiness!Until now you couldn't really be sure of your position on twilight.But i have come to the rescue and thanks to me you will finally find out

Created by: jolena

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. have you ever read the twilight series
  2. did you watch the movie
  3. do you have a twilight item like a shirt,poster,button ect.
  4. when it comes to twilight your friends would describe you as a
  5. do you ever dream of being like bella or one of the other twilight characters
  6. do you love twilight
  7. is one of the twilight books one of your favorite books
  8. how many times did you read the series
  9. are you a positive person
  10. would you say twilight is your passion

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Quiz topic: Am I a twilight hater or lover?