Are you a Twi-hard?

There are many movie watchers out there. But which one are you? More importantly, are YOU a twi-hard? Every question in this quiz will challenge your mind to the full extent about Twilight.

What is a Twi-hard? It may be you. A Twi-hard is someone who know anything and everything about Twilight and its characters. So take this quiz and find out if YOU are a Twi-hard!!!!!!

Created by: Krista

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many times have you seen Twilight?
  2. Who is Rosalie's mate?
  3. Who is Jasper's mate?
  4. Who is Esme's mate?
  5. What does Emmett vote on Bella's change?
  6. What is Rosalie's power?
  7. Who are the only people against Bella becoming a vamp?
  8. What is Bella and Edward's baby named?
  9. Bella hates Seth Clearwater.
  10. Bella doesn't tell Charlie about Renesmee.

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Quiz topic: Am I a Twi-hard?