Are you a tv freak?

You don't have to be at TV freak to want to watch TV go outside see the world and you'll see and you'll feel better just be yourself not your TV self.

Are you A TV freak? You you may or may not be but that's okay at least you get all the news from TV but just go outside and explore there's a lot to the world than just TV

Created by: Rose
  1. What is your favorite TV show
  2. How offened do you watch tv?1-10
  3. Do you like tv?
  4. What show do yo hate
  5. Why do you watch TV
  6. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you like tv
  7. Do you like the show jeopardy?
  8. Do you like the show jeopardy?
  9. Do you think you could live without TV
  10. If you had a TV name what would it be

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Quiz topic: Am I a tv freak?