Are you a tsun/kuu/himdere/yangire

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This quiz will determine whether you are a himdere, a tsundere, a yangire, or a kuudere. Your result will determine which one you are, with only 10 asked questions 😉.

I hope you have fun playing my quiz and I doubt I'll make another one, who would've thought this would be so frustrating. Anyways, I hope you liked your result, have a good day/night!

Created by: URLOCAL1DIOT
  1. Your crush asks you out. What will you do?
  2. Your crush falls asleep on you, what do you do?
  3. You kiss your crush on accident, what next?
  4. They offer you a bento, what do you do
  5. You have a nightmare where you lose your Senpai. What do you do now?
  6. OH GREAT HEAVENS! Your senpai was found dead!
  7. Your senpai was spreading rumours about you.
  8. I'm bored -Senpai
  9. What movie will you watch in your free time?
  10. Are you pretty?

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Quiz topic: Am I a tsun/kuu/himdere/yangire
