Are You a True Venturiantale Fan?

This is my first ever quiz. It may not be as good because I kept running out of things to say and I don't exactly understand how some of this works. But I hope you enjoy!

Are YOU a true venturiantale fan? Find out by taking this quiz! Pay attention to videoes and you'll have this down quick. Find out if you havent watched enough, if your a supporter, fan, top fan, or mAX FAN! (if any of the venturiantale people are taking this keep not I'm not obsesses and I'm NOT a stalker :)?

Created by: madelyn
  1. What are the four's names/gmod users? (sorry if I spell a few things wrong)?
  2. In a minecrafttale "donuts!" if you eat the donuts what will happen?
  3. Finish the videos title- murder the ___!
  4. What was derp about the first model on jonny toast?
  5. Jonny ___ and jonny toast.
  6. This is my first quiz! Thanks for taking it and I hope you enjoy.
  7. OK so I need to keep going. What's maddi friends favorite thing to hold?
  8. What's gertrude's favorite thing to hold?
  9. Finish the scentence "you'll never cath me.. You'll never cath me.. Cause I'm a ___ ___ __ _______ ____
  10. Last question! Finish the scentense DONT DO _________ KIDS!

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Quiz topic: Am I a True Venturiantale Fan?