Are you a true vampire?

Here is a quiz!It will answer whether ur a true vampire or not!It doesnt matter what u get!Nobody will judge u!Please comment on this quiz!Also sorry i didnt have time too upload a pic!

This quiz is all about you learning if your a true vampire or not!i am not completely sure on this but you should give it a try!You might just be lucky!

Created by: Aria Smith
  1. What do u think of the sun?
  2. Whats ur hobby?
  3. Are u a fan of Twilight?
  4. Whats ur skin like?
  5. Who are u at school?
  6. What do u think of the dark?
  7. How do you feel about horror?
  8. Are you popular in school?
  9. Are you perfect?
  10. I am...(be honest)

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Quiz topic: Am I a true vampire?
