Are you a true Twihard?

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This is the Twihard quiz! If this quiz is offensive to any characters that you might just like, it is unintentional and just to appeal to other people! :)

This test took an incredibly long time to create, so I hope you like it! Now, if you are ready, lets see if you are a true Twihard! Enjoy my Twihard test!

Created by: Vv the Twihard
  1. When was Bella's birthday?
  2. Why did Bella call her child Renesmee? (Potato)
  3. Why did Edward lie to Bella in New Moon and tell her that he didn't love her anymore?
  4. When did Stephenie Meyer's Midnight Sun come out?
  5. What is Forever Dawn?
  6. Why does Bella lead Jacob on in Eclipse, even if she's engaged?
  7. Speaking of Jacob, why does he break her hand in New Moon?
  8. In Twilight, Edward literally stalks her and watches her in her sleep! But it turns out, it is a very vital part of the series. Why?
  9. So, while we are still in the first book area, why is Rosalie so hostile, but better in Breaking Dawn?
  10. What do you think of Jacob's imprinting on Renesmee? This does not count. Potato.
  11. While we have that on our minds, why DOES he imprint on her?
  12. Do you like the way the last book ended? This does not count.
  13. Who is your favorite vampire, and ofc, this doesn't count.
  14. If you noticed, Tanya was alone in the last question without the rest of her coven. What is her coven's name?
  15. What is the names of the vampires in the Irish Coven?
  16. What did Jared call Leah when he begged for her to come back to the La Push pack? Here is a hint: It was Sam's nickname for her when they were dating.
  17. Do you know what the "teams" are?
  18. Do you have any idea what the Twilight Renaissance is? Answer as you did know, not as you do now.
  19. In Midnight Sun, Edward tries not to touch Bella. Why?
  20. Are you ready to learn if your truly a Twihard?
  21. Okay, just one more question. Do you think you are?

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Quiz topic: Am I a true Twihard?
