Are You A True Twi-Hard?

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They are tons of people out there that THINK they have what it takes to be a 100% TwiHard.I created this so you can see how obsessed you really are. It won't be easy.

So you think you can do it? You think you can be the all time AWESOMEST TwiHard. Well it looks like it going to be a bumpy ride. Pull out your Porsche and Volvo. And lets get ROLLING!!

Created by: EdwardFanToTheMax!

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How many times have you read each book?
  2. Which Book is your favorite?
  3. Do you like remember that part were Edward was all like sad and everything and bella was all like I wish I could do something?(I was like its all your fault bella!!)
  4. Are you gonna go to Cali this summer or next? (I'm going next):(
  5. True or False: Jacob wants to kill bella in Breaking Dawn
  6. Team Jacob or Team Edward?
  7. Which book does Edward propose?
  8. Okay here is a HARD question: What is emmetts favorite College Football team?
  9. After taking this quiz will you create your own about Twilight?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I A True Twi-Hard?