Are you a true Texan? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you a true Texan?
I've lived in Texas my whole life, an I only got 63%. Some of the stuff on here is pretty stereotypical; you can be a pure Texan without livin on a ranch. Thats a sure sign of a fake Texan when all they can talk bout is their farm, cows, and pigs (if they look like a city person, that is). Of course, while this wasnt in THIS quiz, a lot of the phrases one would associate with Texas is used so often an words like "yall" is said 5 times in a sentence would show that you're a fake.
Haha, sorry I went into rantin mode. I get very defensive of my state.
I agree with padfoot_moony.
Sou nds like a lot of these quizzes are made by Rexall Cowboys (fake Texans) and include a lot of stereotypical Q and A's. However, there are a couple of good quizes with historical questions.
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