Are you a TRUE Sonic Fan?

Are you a TRUE SONIC FAN? Find out! Try your skills at knowing the series! So try this quiz to figure it out!!! (Sonic likes chilidogs. he gotta go fast)

IDK What to write here so here is some spam: fhelkafhlkdhflkdhflkjdhFLSHLFJKHDSlfjkdgsljkfsldjgflJSGFLKJasglkjgkljsagkjgfakjfhdkahfjsahdkjashdkjsahdkjhsa

Created by: GamerOTB
  1. What is Sonic
  2. Sonic is faster than:
  3. Sonic the Hedgehog was made in
  4. Sonic is made by:
  5. Sonic's Rival is:
  6. Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 Had a ??? Reception?
  7. Knuckles Guards What?
  8. Which game brought back the classic style?
  9. Sonics newest game (As of January 2024) is?
  10. Final Question: ..... does sonic like chilidogs

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Quiz topic: Am I a TRUE Sonic Fan?
