Are You a True Salamander

There are many good people who know a lot about salamanders but few who are true salamanders(Although you cannot actually be a salamander) This is just a fun little quiz and after all, I'm only a kid anyway's .

Are you a true salamander? It's time to find out(Although you cannot actually be a salamander(Which I mentioned earlier)) What are you waiting for? Go do the quiz now! I hope you enjoy it! :)

Created by: Salamander

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What do you eat if you had no food and you saw the following
  2. Are you an amphibian?
  3. you are now a salamander. Your predator, the snake has cornered you. What would you do?
  4. How to spell salamander language.(guess)
  5. Do you have feelings?
  6. Are you kind?
  7. Where would you live if you had no home and saw these things in front of you?
  8. Do you abuse animals?
  9. How do you eat your prey?
  10. Can you make build a house?

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Quiz topic: am I a True Salamander