Are you a true redhead.

I made this quiz. Because most people think there a true redhead but most arent. So I made this quiz to see if your a true redhead or not. I hope you really enjoy it.

I hope you all enjoy this quiz. Because I sure enjoyed making it. Because most people have no idea what a true redhead is. I bet if you are one your sick of everybody saying you have a bad temper.

Created by: Abigail
  1. Do You bruise easy.
  2. Do you think redheads are gingers.
  3. Do you have freckles
  4. Does your tempeture change faster than people around you.
  5. Do you get sun burnt easy.
  6. Do boys like you.
  7. Do you do good with pain.
  8. Do you ever get called carrot top or ginger or any other annoying nick name.
  9. Does any body ever say you have a temper.
  10. Do you hate all the superstitions about redheads

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Quiz topic: Am I a true redhead.
