Are You a True PJO Fan?

There are demigods all around but few true PJO fans are you a TRUE PJO fan well come and find out in this Are you a true PJO fan quiz and watch out monster maybe wating.

Are you a true pjo fan well test your knowalge of the 5 books to see if you truely know pjo and the chaters camp will be wating for you come and join beware of the monsters?

Created by: Destiny

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What was the school Percy attended?
  2. Who is percys best friend in school?
  3. What is your age?
  4. What is your gender?
  5. What was Percy first monster?
  6. When was Percy clamied by poseidon?
  7. In the second book who is percys new friend.
  8. What did they have to get to save thailas tree?
  9. In book four who is the motral that help them in the labrinth.
  10. In the last book did Percy take inmoraly.

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Quiz topic: Am I a True PJO Fan? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Percy Jackson Quiz category.