Are You A True PewDiePie Fan?

Hello, I believe you are here to test yourself to the mastering of the great god known as pewdiepie. He is Swedish gamer from.... Sweden and he our lord, our god.

Do you think you have the skills to be a bro?Well I don't know man. You have to see for yourself. And maybe you will watch more pewdiepie after this. You better..

Created by: Aliviya
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is PewDiePie's full name?
  2. What does PewDiePie say at the beginning of his videos?
  3. Does PewDiePie have a girlfriend??
  4. When is Pewds' birthday?
  5. What is Pewdie's worstest enemy?
  6. What has PewDiePie not played?
  7. What is Pewds girlfriends name?
  8. What game was it where pewdiepie said "IM A CUTE BUNNY! IM A CUTE BUNNY!"
  9. Who is Marzia known as?
  10. And last (but not least) are you a TRUE bro?

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