Are You A True Millsie??

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This quiz is going to show you how much of a millsie you are! You may be proven wrong but you also might be pleasantly surprised about how much you know about your idols.

So okay let's get started. Good luck!

Created by: Millsie of Ilovemah
(your link here more info)
  1. Let’s start easy, Who’s older?
  2. What’s Max’s Favourite Food?
  3. What’s Harvey’s favourite food?
  4. How many original songs do they have all together as of September 2018?
  5. Who is more sporty?
  6. What’s their family’s real names?
  7. Where are they from?
  8. When were they born?
  9. Who’s better?
  10. Hug it and _____?

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Quiz topic: Am I A True Millsie??

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