Are you a true Miley Cyrus fan!

This quiz is about how well you know Hannah Montana AKA Miley Cyrus, depending on your score tells you how well you know her and how much of a fan you are.

Do u really know Hannah find out with this quiz now!!If your a true Hannah Moontana fan you will be brill at this amazing quiz!!! are you Hannahs biggest fan like me then try it now !!!

Created by: katie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is Miley Cyrus's characters name on the show Hannah Montana?
  2. Which hit single did Miley Cyrus's dad have??
  3. Who knows Mileys secret??(In the show)
  4. Is Mileys dad in the show her dad in real life??
  5. Has Hannah Montana ever toured the UK??
  6. Who is Mileys brother in the show??
  7. Which two bracelets does Miley wear in the show and in real life??
  8. When is Miley Hannah??
  9. How many hourses does Miley have?
  10. Has Hannah got a 3D movie out at the momment?

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Quiz topic: Am I a true Miley Cyrus fan!