ya ya ya bla bla bla just take the quiz dadala blahaha ha he ha dookie dookie dookie poop douch bag a**hole yadala hada doobiya ya ya bla bla bla just take the quiz dadala blahaha ha he ha dookie dookie dookie poop douch bag a**hole yadala hada doobiee

ya ya ya bla bla bla just take the quiz dadala blahaha ha he ha dookie dookie dookie poop douch bag a**hole yadala hada doobieya ya ya bla bla bla just take the quiz dadala blahaha ha he ha dookie dookie dookie poop douch bag a**hole yadala hada doobie

Created by: stephanie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do yoor have you ever eaten beans every day for a month strait
  2. did your parents ever give you a funny nickname?
  3. do you have like thousands of cousins and hundreds of aunts and uncles?
  4. does your parent(s) buy beer and or tequila for every thing they celibrate like your birthday, chrismas,vetrans day,memorial day,st.patrics day, or thanksgiving?
  5. does your mom make tamales every chrismas
  6. is your dad an alchoholic
  7. do you like some form of spanish music?
  8. do you think taco bell is a real mexican restrant
  9. is any body in your family gang afiliated?
  10. do you like grits

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Quiz topic: Am I A TRUE MEXICAN?