Are YOU a True Metal Fusion Fan of Beyblade?

Are you a Metal Fusion fanatic? Do you have what it takes to be number one? If so take this quiz! You'll take your knowledge to the ultimate test as you do it !

Take your Beyblade knowledge to the test in this quiz! Well, please enjoy the show as I have put a lot of time into this quiz to see if you are a Metal Fusion genius.

Created by: kajus
  1. Who's the main protagonist?
  2. What does Tetsuya say when he's happy ?
  3. What's the evil organization ?
  4. Who's the main antagonist?
  5. What's Phoenix's real name?
  6. How many special moves did Dark Gasher have ?
  7. Who's Captain Capri ?
  8. What's Tobio's surname ?
  9. What's Tetsuya's 2nd special move ?
  10. What's Hiyoma's bey ?

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