Are You a True Indian?

This quiz for Indians who love India very much and for also non-Indians because they can gain some knowledge of India!!"" okay don't give up such easily.

Are you genius? Are you are a true Indian do you love India just show how much you know about India hit the quiz try to score 100%% do you want to score 100%score. Just see?

Created by: sandy mishra
  1. Which of these is India national anthem?
  2. Where is the qutubminar is?
  3. Who is sharukhan?
  4. Who is first lady prime minister of India?
  5. Capital of India.
  6. Financial capital of India.
  7. Do you love to eat with hands?
  8. Indias national sports ?? Hmm...
  9. Do you comment this quiz (no effect)?
  10. Byyyye

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Quiz topic: Am I a True Indian? You can find more quizzes like this one in our India Quiz category.