Are you a true hufflepuff

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hi i'm chapel blau the creator of are you a hufflepuff and now you should know that i'm crazy for hufflepuff i hope you enjoy and make sure to visit my other quiz.

now that we got that sorted out make sure to give me a good rating and before we start i just want to say don't let the muggles get you down best of wishes good bye for now.

Created by: chapel
  1. Let's start with a easy one what house is Nymphadora tonks in?
  2. were is the hufflepuff common room at?
  3. who was the hufflepuffs fonder?
  4. is it true or false that hufflepuffs produced the least amount of dark wizards?
  5. witch of the following are not in hufflepuff
  6. what is the password to get into hufflepuff common room?
  7. Who is the head of hufflepuff?
  8. what is the hufflepuff element
  9. what is the object of hufflepuff that was turned into a Horcruxe
  10. Last question what house am i in no looking back.

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Quiz topic: Am I a true hufflepuff
