Are You A True Horse Lover ?

there are people who like horses people who love horses . andf people who just think horses are cute animals . horses are divine ? are you a true horse lover . a one of a kind equestrian einstirn . LETS SEE ? SHALL WE ?

there are people who like horses people who love horses . andf people who just think horses are cute animals . horses are divine ? are you a true horse lover . a one of a kind equestrian einstirn . LETS SEE ? SHALL WE ?

Created by: ajasemone

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do your like going out to eat ? OR Making customized food ?
  2. What kind of horses do you like ?
  3. would you ever live on a farm ?
  4. what do you think about covering your horse ?
  5. you see a wild horse what do you do ?
  6. your horse is very sick and will die in one week? what do you do ?
  7. is the horse your favorite animal honestly ?
  8. when can you reproduce your horse ?
  9. can horses eat radish ?
  10. do you think that your career will hav anything to do with horses ?

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Quiz topic: Am I A True Horse Lover ?