Are you a true Haschak sisters fan??

In this quiz you will try to answer some tricky questions about the Haschak Sisters. If you are a true fan, they are probably not going to be that hard for you.

Good luck in trying to figure this out. This seems tricky but if you watch their Youtube videos, you will know that answers. They are in their Q&A videos. Have fun!!

Created by: Hailey Q.
  1. Who is the oldest Haschak sister?
  2. Which sister loves to play with slime?
  3. Which Haschak sister dated MattyB?
  4. How old is Gracie Haschak? (2019)
  5. Are Madison and Gracie twins?
  6. How old is Madison Haschak?
  7. What are Sierra's favorite colors?
  8. Who stays up the latest at night?
  9. What is Olivia's favorite candy?
  10. Which set of girls shared a room for the longest time?
  11. Who is the pickiest eater?
  12. Did you love this quiz???(Comment and like!!)

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Quiz topic: Am I a true Haschak sisters fan??

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