Are You A True Half-Mermaid?

There are true mermaid lovers and only a quiz can prove that if your a true mermaid or not. see what your results are of being a true half-mermaid in this quiz right here right now!!!!!

in this quiz you will find out if your a true half-mermaid ( a half-mermaid means when you get whet your a mermaid, when dry a human) so take this mermaid quiz right here right now

Created by: Emily
  1. whats you favorite sport?
  2. what would you want your tail color to be?
  3. whats your favorite hair style
  4. what power do you want best
  5. what shows have you seen before?
  6. what is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day
  7. how many seashells do you have?
  8. if you had one wish what would it be?
  9. the test is almost over.....
  10. its the last tough question.... bye

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Quiz topic: Am I A True Half-Mermaid?