Are you a true friend?

theres true friends out there. you may be one of them or not but you will find out if you are or not but if you aren't its fine don't need to worry abt anything you may just be good friends just not you you need to try ur best. blah blah

Are u a true friend? do you think you are? if your wondering tale this quiz and you will find out your score if your a true friend or not. Either way you probably did great

Created by: Animals1

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you know your bestfriends b-day?
  2. Do you guys get into fights?
  3. One of the popurlar girls asks you go to the party but your best friend isn't invited, what do you do?
  4. Do you know her or his fav color?
  5. How long have you know ur friend?
  6. Do you help her out when she falls down or when someone picking on her? what will you do
  7. K, it is almost done now
  8. Are you gonna rate
  9. Are you gonna comment
  10. Byeee

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Quiz topic: Am I a true friend?