Are You A True Fornite Pro?

To make sure that you are a pro at fornite or be a noob you will have 10 questions and remember some of these are from the past...

Good luck and make sure to double check you if you got them right . This is a really serious quiz and most important for some others and to ace your test on every thins this is random.

Created by: David
  1. 15 Bandages or 1 medkit.
  2. How many names are there in the fornite map?
  3. What season did the black knight come in?
  4. What is the farthest distance you can snipe someone from?
  5. What dose more head shot damage Gold Thermal or Gold Scar?
  6. Whats the max amount of damage a blue pump can do?
  7. What dose more damage a silent pistol or the Dual pistol?
  8. What dose more damage to the body?
  9. What platform Origanally Implemented Visual Hearing?
  10. How much Health Dose a Brick Wall Begin with?

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Quiz topic: Am I A True Fornite Pro?
