Are You A True FNAF fan? by a queer hooman.

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this quiz determines if you are a true FNAF fan or a liar. (i'm not good at descriptions, find it difficult writing paragraphs as i am not good at ideas.)

What should i do? idk. do this test. see what you get and yea idk what to suggest so here take the quiz, do it and don't take the results to heart. HI PLEASE DO QUIZ!

Created by: Tobi (anonymous)
  1. who is the bear that is the main animatronic in FNAF 1?
  2. who is the animatronic who is 'The One You Should Not Have Killed'?
  3. what is the name of the man dubbed as 'The Purple Guy'?
  4. Who are you in Sister Location?
  5. what was the animatronic that gave Scott Cawthon nightmares?
  6. What is the name of the FNAF 4 kid?
  7. Who possesses the Puppet in FNAF 2?
  8. What is the phrase heard by Ennard when he goes into the sewers?
  9. In Security Breach, what is the name of the girl in the white rabbit suit?
  10. Who was UCN made for as a personal hell?

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Quiz topic: Am I A True FNAF fan? by a queer hooman.
