are you a true fairy

There may be some fairies out there. Can you find your destiny of fairy life JUST on this quiz? What is a fairy? They are mythical creatures that have beautiful wings

Are you a fairy? Can you fly the fairy world? Well take this quiz to find out!!! Just take it...I won't bite.. or will I????! Hmm... ok in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: rylee sage
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you love pets
  2. Are you shy
  3. Do you believe in fairies
  4. Have you seen one
  5. Are you kind
  6. Where do you live
  7. Fave color
  8. Sparkles
  9. Clothing
  10. Are you happy
  11. Have you built a fairy house
  12. Look up.
  13. Look down

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Quiz topic: Am I a true fairy