Are You a True Eddie Barnz Fan?

EDDIE BARNZ has many fans, but few true fans. Not all can call themselves a true fan. This is someone who follows, knows, buy, day dream, watches, supports his favorite artist.

Are you a EDDIE BARNZ fan, a real one who supports the artist? I hope so, but we will find out the truth.

Created by: PETER
  1. Where was eddie barnz born?
  2. What's eddie barnz favorite word?
  3. Which song title is not a eddie barnz song?
  4. Which pittsburgh rapper did eddie barnz have beef with?
  5. Which statement is not true about eddie barnz?
  6. In 2015 what label did eddie barnz sign to?
  7. What's the name of eddie barnz autobiography book?
  8. What cartoon did eddie barnz create?
  9. What's eddie barnz favorite food?
  10. What's the name of the projects that eddie barnz grew up in?

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Quiz topic: Am I a True Eddie Barnz Fan?