Are you a TRUE Dog Lover? | Comments

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  • ok im just sayin, all dogs are different. not all of them need to go on an hour long run...a lot of them need nourishment and love. A good swim, a hike a beautiful home. But kids matter too!!! Children are very important they are our future. Dogs are my life, but so are children. Both will be apart of my life someday. And right now my baby is my yellow lab, Annie. But someday when I have a kid and I have a dog...I will choose my own baby over the dog if I have to. Dogs are wonderful, but as I will someday be a mother, I may have the difficult decission of keeping the dog or providing for my family. And as a responsible and loving parent no matter how it breaks my heart or makes me want to keel over and die, I will trade the dog for my son/daughters life. I would do anything for my dog, but one day the needs of my child will override the needs of my pet. No doubt about it. So don't tell me I don't care. My dog was attacked by a pitbull when I was 11 years old. Don't tell me I don't love dogs...because at the moment...they are my life. So yah...sorry for the sob story ;)


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