are you a true directioner?

theyre are many directionators,...but what about directionors? are you a directioner. well in this quiz it will help you find out the answers. by the way directioners suck

in this quiz,ther are some pretty easy questions and if you cant answer them correctly,the you are 100% definaltly not a directionor so please dont call yourself one. but if you do good on this quiz that means you are a directionor and ther for i love you!

Created by: jasmine
  1. what is Nialls favorite food?
  2. who is Kevin?
  3. how may r's
  4. what did zayn break?
  5. "GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN!" who said it
  6. what is zayns middle name
  7. what is nialls middle name
  8. who has the same middle name as Niall
  9. what year were they on x factor
  10. Haylor is reaL!
  11. who has a birthday on Christmas Eve?
  12. liams favorite movie isssss
  13. who wrote Little Things?
  14. who thinks bunnys are stupid pets
  15. louis likes girls who...
  16. harry hates when girls...
  17. niall likes girls who
  18. zayn's main quote is....
  19. Niall love to...
  20. this quiz was...

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Quiz topic: Am I a true directioner?