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Their are VERY FEW TRUE_TRUE_TRUE directioners who are dedicated so much to the boys that they know all these answers. If you score 85%- 100% you are, in my mind a TRUE DIRECTIONER ALL THE WAY!

Take this quiz and you will see what it takes to be a true Directioner. Are you truly DEDICATED enough to One Direction that you will get a 100%??? Take the test to FIND OUT!

Created by: Keely

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who almost always won the "quick fire" games unexpectently?
  2. Who NEVER won the "Mega mind?"
  3. What number did Louis and Harry prank call?
  4. How many "r"s were there when Harry and Louis prank called?
  5. Which of these quotes did Louis NOT say?
  6. What was a fan doing when Niall called her from "Star Caller?"
  7. Which of these is NOT one of their dances?
  8. What did Harry say he would want if he could have any super- power?
  9. What would Liam bathe in, other than water?
  10. Louis plays THIS ROLE in the band.
  11. Who yells "help" and then WHO comes to their "rescue"
  12. Who says "NOT beak, but PEAK of their fitness"

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Quiz topic: Am I a TRUE DIRECTIONER?