Are you a true descendants one super fan

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Hi this is one of descendants studios first ever quizzes I am a huge fan of descendants and I wanted to see if you are too so let me explain how this will work....

Ok so you are going to select the answer you think is correct anyways there will be 10 questions to answer at the end you will see the results and find out how big of a fan you really are let’s get started....

Created by: Descendants studios
  1. In the song “Rotten to the Core” what does jay say in his part
  2. At the beginning when mal tells a story who is the story about
  3. Who are all the VKs parents like Evie Carlos Jay and Mal
  4. Select the one that is true
  5. Who is starring in descendants one
  6. Which song does Ben sing to show his love for Mal
  7. What school do they get invited to
  8. Who is Mal’s Best friend out of the four VKs
  9. Who’s Dad is Beast
  10. Which two VKs joined the turnie team

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Quiz topic: Am I a true descendants one super fan
