Are you a true Danger Force fan?

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This won't determine nothing, its just for fun :) This was made at 1 am so please, forgive the spelling mistakes.Anyways, next week season 3 airs, are you readyy??

The questions are mostly season 2 but there may be a little spoiler.You think you are ready?(Im sorry i keep saying "are u ready?" bc im not ahahahaah!)

Created by: Dangerverseedits
  1. Where was Chapa's phone stolen?
  2. What does Miles need to do for teleportation?
  3. Who is the smartest?
  4. How did they get their powers?
  5. What is the name for the fake school?
  6. What is Mika's superpower?
  7. What is the biggest thing Bose has ever lifted?
  8. What is Captain Man's superpower?
  9. Who possesed Mika?
  10. Who is the REAL villain of the show?
  11. Did the moms had the rights to ground their kids?

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Quiz topic: Am I a true Danger Force fan?

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