Are You a True Call Of Duty Fan?

There are a lout of Call Of Duty fans. What is a fan. A fan I someone who will never let go to a team or a game or a sport. They are many fans in the word espically for COD BO2.

We will see whos the greatest fan of them. I can't believe that I'm actully making a quiz. I always wanted to make the best quiz ever so please tell me what you think about this quiz.

Created by: Cody Wootton
  1. What does cod stand for?
  2. Who is the teriost in cod black ops 2?
  3. What do you play on?
  4. Ho do you play as in cod blackops2.
  5. Are you bored to death I am?
  6. Wich cod is he mot popular one.
  7. Have you even heard of ghost.
  8. What character IS NOT in the cod serios?
  9. What character IS NOT in the cod serios?
  10. Dont pick no?

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Quiz topic: Am I a True Call Of Duty Fan?