Are you a true Blink?

Many people just listen to Blackpink songs and consider themselves as a Blink(Blackpink's Fandom). But no, you need to have information about them . Do you have all the information ?

Do you think you are a Blink???? Then take this test to find out whether you are one or not . Do you have all the information ? (I made this quiz just for fun.Hehe)

Created by: loved
  1. How many members are there in Blackpink?
  2. In which year did Blackpink debut?
  3. Which of these is a Blackpink member?
  4. What was the birthname of Lisa?
  5. Rose's debut song is
  6. Blackpink's song IceCream was with
  7. Oldest member of Blackpink
  8. Jisoo has how many siblings?
  9. Where is Lisa from?
  10. How is the Quiz??

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Quiz topic: Am I a true Blink?