Are you a true b----?

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Ever feel like you could be disliked by many... well find out take the b!+ch quiz LOL well are you a b*tch!?!?! HOW WOULD I KNOW YOU HAVENT TAKEN THE QUIZ YET

Are you a B*tch? do you annoy the heck out f people and people just haven't told you if you really are a b!tch... well find out by taking this awesome quiz

Created by: Poetic Gainer
  1. you see a girl flirting with your boyfriend what do you do?
  2. A girl spreads rumors about you what do you do
  3. You're in a fight with your old best friend and its been 3 weeks how are you towards her?
  4. A old friend gets up and hits you as hard as she can and it really hurts you how do you respond
  5. Your think your friend might be attacked to the same gender as he/she is what do you do
  6. your bestfriend takes your boyfriend how do you react?
  7. How many people call u a b!+ch
  8. how many people do u hate
  9. How did u like the test (dosnt affect)
  10. Add Me on My Social Stuff ---v tell mehow you got my info btw dosnt affect your result

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Quiz topic: Am I a true b----?