Are you a toxic friend?

Take this quiz today to see whether you are a toxic friend! but don't take this too seriously. Please leave some feedback so I can improve this quiz. thank you again sm xx

If you got toxic, don't worry as we all can improve. I am not trying to be rude so please again, no hard feelings. If you didn't get toxic, well done.

Created by: Autumn
  1. if your friend was being confronted, who would you side with?
  2. if someone was talking behind your friend's back, what would you do?
  3. Do you like to blackmail your friends?
  4. if you found out a friend backstabbed you, what would you do?
  5. you have some strong opinions on your friend, would you start talking sit about them?
  6. Your friend just told you a huge secret, would you spread it and tell people?
  7. overall, do you think you are a toxic person honestly?
  8. Would you ditch your friend for someone better?
  9. Are you a female or male or other
  10. Lastly, how is this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a toxic friend?
