Are you a total geek?

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there are very few people who are geeks. who am i kidding, there are TONS of people who are geeks. you certainly dont want to be one of them. they play with dolls!!!!

Are YOU one of them? are you a true geek who plays dragons instead of going out to the movies? (little tip: dont tell ANYONE if you get a bad grade. they will scar you for life if they find out that you are a true geek)Have fun!!!!!:)

Created by: my name doesnt matter
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you get invited to a party and get to bring a game, do you bring your newest "Dragon Slayor" game?
  2. If someone texts you,"hey,bff!u r so cool!" do you correct their writing?
  3. Which would you rather get on your b-day?
  4. which do you prefer?
  5. do you like...
  6. your pet is..
  7. your special evening with ur special date is
  8. you'de rather...
  9. scissors are...
  10. when u get a papercut you...

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Quiz topic: Am I a total geek?