Are you a TOP G

Are you a Top G? Find out with this quiz. This quiz is perfect if you want to find out if you are a Top G enough to wear some sick sunglasses. Thanks to all of the bois for helping me with this.

TOP G, Cobra Tate, Andrew Tate, Tristan Tate, Those are the Tates. Yep thats right. Free the Top G. He should not be in jail. He is a positive influence. W

Created by: TheRealBigJake
  1. Do you like CobraTate?
  2. What news do you listen to the most?
  3. Should men be strong?
  4. What is your favorite animal?
  5. What do you do if your in a street fight?
  6. Should TOP G be in jail?
  7. Do you know who Tristan Tate is?
  8. Do you pull chicks?
  9. Have you watched any TateSpeech?
  10. What is Andrew Tate's first name?

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Quiz topic: Am I a TOP G
