Are you a tomboy or girly girl

Take this quiz to see if u are a tomboy, girly girl, or BOTH! It is very easy and can be done in like, 1-5 mins! Pick the answers that describe YOU! :)

SO YUPP!! ITS MAKING ME ADD THIS ONEE!!! >:( BUT I DONT KNOW WHAT TO SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I MEAN WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY?!?!?! My! pardon me. Im very sorry bout that! Anyway, you can take the quiz now. :)

Created by: Jub Jub
  1. What is the best color,
  2. What would you rather do?
  3. snack time! what do u want to eat?
  4. Do you have a purse?
  5. How does your room look like?
  6. what cloth do you like?
  7. do u were jewelry?
  8. You are drawling what do you draw?
  9. Are you orginized?
  10. what would you try out for?

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Quiz topic: Am I a tomboy or girly girl
