Are you a tomboy or a girly-girl? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you a tomboy or a girly-girl?
I got Tomboy and that is me and the description fits me perfectly!
You honestly don't care what people think of you. You fit in with the jocks. You are not afraid to be yourself around others. You are very independent!
i got both and that is kind of true. i do care what people think of me, but i also don't care about fashion and do remember my dates and important things to do. i am single and care-free. GREAT QUIZ!!!
I got both. Totally me. Awesome Quiz.
Carrotop1 -
Yes, it is possible. -,-
Thanks for all the comments guys, and yes, both is possible thats what I am.
really? both?
IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE??????????? ????
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