Are you a tomboy

You might be a tomboy I am 50/50 and u guys I don't know dose not matter at lest be you'd self in this quiz so I do not what to typ I have to have 150 words

I do not know what say I have to have 150 letters so far 59 so yea so this is a good quiz look up staffy quiz I did that one to I hope you I joined my quiz

Created by: Keisha
  1. Do you like playing in the dirt
  2. Do you like shopping
  3. Do you like dogs
  4. Do you like chic flicks
  5. Do u like farming
  6. What breed do u like
  7. If u had a choice go shopping or play in the dirt
  8. Do you like camping
  9. Hobby
  10. Boy toy or girl toy

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Quiz topic: Am I a tomboy