Are you a Three-Day Eventer at heart???

Ok so just to let you know i am totally completely addicted to Three-Day Eventing!!! Three-Day Eventing is the topic... So you might want to know about three day eventing!!!

The topic is are you a three day eventer at heart??? Well in this quiz you will find out!!! So good luck to all and try your best!!!! :) im sure you will do great!!!

Created by: Charlotte Babbitt
  1. What events are threeday events made of???
  2. What order are the events in???
  3. Stadium Jumping is...
  4. Dude! Horse down at jump number 11 crosscountry!!! You do this (u r jump judge)
  5. Oh, mon Dieu!!! William Fox-Pitt just went into the drssage arena!!! He is thrown from his horse and is unconcious you...
  6. Dressage letters are...
  7. Lowest level
  8. Rolex, Burghley, Badminton are valled this
  9. The olympics arepart of the Grand Slam
  10. Do u think u are totally completely horse crazy and an eventer at heart???

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Quiz topic: Am I a Three-Day Eventer at heart???